Ing. Jana Rybárová, PhD.

Assistant professor

Boženy Němcovej 26/32 , Košice

BN32, 1st floor, door no.114

+421 55 602 2932

Consultations: Thursday 09:00 - 10:30

    Since 2008, she has been engaged in scientific research, which includes the creation of innovative outputs, technology transfer and the process of protecting intellectual property. In the subject area, she mainly deals with activities related to the implementation of research in patent databases and databases of scientific articles, creating patent documentation (on the substantive level: description of the subject of intellectual property protection, definition of the subject, characteristics of implementation examples; on the formal level: processing of documentation) , procedurally ensuring the procedure with the ÚPV SR, dissemination and transfer of innovations into practice.
  • Ongoing:


  • Ended:

KEGA 048TUKE-4/2021: Universal educational - competition platform

KEGA 052TUKE-4/2012: Creation of a multidimensional laboratory for object a process modeling in geotourism

  • 2022 CVTI v Bratislave, Department of technology transfer 

Rybár, P., & Horodníková, J. (2011). Modelovanie procesov v geoturizme. Dekanát - Edičné stredisko, Fakulta BERG Technickej univerzity v Košiciach.  ISBN 978-80-553-0695-7 

Rybár, P., & Horodníková, J. (2011). Modelovanie objektov v geoturizme. Dekanát - Edičné stredisko, Fakulta BERG Technickej univerzity v Košiciach.  ISBN 978-80-553-0662-9