Mgr.  Marian Lukáč, PhD.

Assistant professor

Boženy Němcovej 26/32 , Košice

BN32, 1st floor, door no.120

+421 55 602 2442

Consultations: Monday 09:00 - 11:00

    Professionally focuses on various aspects of Slovakia's history and its cultural heritage in terms of creating products and supporting tools for tourism. In long-term he focuses on the legal regulations of tourism in Slovakia.
    • Ongoing:


    • Ended:

    VEGA 1/0667/21 Environmental specifics of the environment of selected montane water management systems in Slovakia (2021-2023)

    MineHeritage (2019 - 2021)

    KEGA 036TUKE-4/2019: Geotourism (university textbook) (2019 - 2020)

    VEGA 1/0236/18 Environmental aspects of the environment of mining sites in Slovakia in the Middle Ages and early modern times (2018 - 2020)

    VEGA  2/0059/14 Solution to the Ukrainian question in Slovakia during the period of the socialist experiment (2014 - 2017)

    VEGA 2/0198/10 Efforts to integrate Ruthenians and Ukrainians of the Carpathian region in the activities of the national councils in 1944-1947 (2010 - 2013)

    • Institute of Social Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
    • Grantová komisia KOCR Kosice region